Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Coffee Ice Cream

On National Coffee Ice Cream Day,

What's one to do when there's no Coffee Ice Cream to be found???

Make your own!

Ghetto Style Coffee Ice Cream

Seriously, there are numerous recipes out there for those people with the time, patience, wherewithal, and expensive ice cream machines, but, when in doubt, go the go the Ghetto route.

Works every time....

A Cereal Bowl
A Soup Spoon


  • A pint of cheap Vanilla Ice Cream
  • Some Instant Coffee
Take the cheap Vanilla Ice Cream out of the freezer and let it soften up, about twenty (20) minutes, or you can "nuke" it in the microwave for ten (10) seconds if you need immediate gratification.

Using your Soup Spoon, place one large scoop of softened Ice Cream into the Cereal Bowl.

Using the Ice Cream covered Soup Spoon, sprinkle some Instant Coffee on top of the Ice Cream in the Cereal Bowl.

Add another scoop of Ice Cream and another sprinkle of Instant Coffee.

Let sit for five (5) minutes.

After five (5) minutes, either mix everything together and re-freeze for later; or, just do what I do, mix it a small bit and enjoy the texture difference of the partially dissolved slightly crunchy Instant Coffee and the smooth silky Ice Cream.


Simply substitute cheap Chocolate Ice Cream. And, by the way, this also works great with Nestlé's Quik® for a mocha combination milkshake!

©2011 L. M. Sorré, Wait At The Bar


  1. This is an awesome and alluring post on instant coffee ice cream. I would like to add another coffee information that may be desired by someone.With mushroom coffee, I feel energized and alert without feeling anxious, restless, or experiencing an accelerated heart rate. I feel grounded, too, and even find myself sleeping quite well. reishi coffee. BTW thank you very my for a great recipe.

  2. Hi Papalucio, Good day to you. And it's my 1st tour to your coffee world. I was on the way of grabbing some ideas about latest Coffee extraction data and knowledge by googling and in this way I was introduced with your marvelous contribution. I love both hot and cold coffee depending on the weather performance of the days. And often enjoy the coffee ice cream too. It's very wise that you have published such an benevolent post on the National coffee ice cream day.I truly enjoyed the details recipe.
